Builder Services

Partnering with XPRESS Real Estate Group

We provide builders with a wide range of services to help push their homes to the front-end of the real estate market and increase home buyer visibility. With our innovative services, we can effectively showcase all the amazing things your homes have to offer buyers





Professional Video and Production Photography


Featured on

We feature our builders on the XPRESS website, HAR, Zillow, Trulia, and hundreds of other MLS platforms.

Landing Page

Each builder page is fully customized with high resolution photography, logos, featured properties, custom videos and more.


Not only do we brand XPRESS, we also brand our builders by including them on all of our marketing material



We display professional quality rendering to give clients a high definition visual of what the properties will look like upon completion



Detailed reporting is provided on all traffic and leads on the properties, which allows clients to view the online exposure from all of our marketing efforts

Print & Digital

Print marketing efforts include the XPRESS magazine, brochure, flyers, postcards, feature sheets and partnered sponsored print pieces.

Digital marketing efforts include email blasts, social media posts, internal digital ads and partner sponsored ads reaching thousands of different viewers on all platforms.

Model Staging

Home Staging is critical for any new development. Professional staging contacts are provided and enhances a property’s strengths and minimizes its weak points.